Just Ask

Just Ask

I have had a fulfilling career as a speech and language pathologist for the past 40 plus years. As my husband climbed the corporate ladder and our family moved around the country to meet opportunities for him, I was always able to continue to follow my passion and...
Saved By The Whisper of My Heart

Saved By The Whisper of My Heart

I remember like it was yesterday, but it was 46 years ago. At 13 years old, I watched my 39-year-old mother die of a heart attack. Even at that age, I heard from someone, somewhere, that women’s symptoms present differently than men when having a heart attack. I...
Staying Clear of the Slippery Slope

Staying Clear of the Slippery Slope

My father died at 69 of a heart attack. Rumor has it his father also died at 69 of a heart attack. When I turned 69, I worried each time I had the slightest chest pain. When I turned 70 and didn’t die, I celebrated by getting a tattoo and have gotten another...
I Turned Old – Overnight

I Turned Old – Overnight

I went to bed on St Patrick’s Day 2023 in a rosy glow after spending the evening with good friends. When I woke up the next morning, I thought I was drunk. I couldn’t walk straight, my hearing was off, and as I discovered when I drove my car, my thinking...
Finding My Purpose in Retirement

Finding My Purpose in Retirement

Retirement is one of the hardest jobs I’ve had. I’ve had a lifetime of being extremely productive and busy. My career path, starting in the 70s, was an explosive rise to the top. I made a ‘how-to’ film in college: “How to Have an Orgasm,” which was distributed to...
Dynamic Aging with Osteoporosis

Dynamic Aging with Osteoporosis

I still feel about 42, even though it’s been around a decade and a half since I was that age. I’ve loved every year so far, but in my 40’s I felt like I’d grown into my skin, my brain and my sense of self. I’ve always remembered an essay by Carol Shields in her...