Everyone Has a Story
by Kimberly Paternoster
February 20, 2024

This year I’m celebrating 50 years as journalist and writer. That’s not to brag. It’s to underscore what those years have taught me –– that everyone has a story. 

That includes you. 

My experience is people who may believe their story or life isn’t interesting often have the most intriguing stories to tell.

The fact you are reading the tales in this magazine from folks about how they are dynamically aging tells me you are dynamically aging, too. You continue to be curious about other people and to hear their stories.


As you read this note and the latest batch of stories, consider dropping us a line about what you are doing. It doesn’t have to be big. Or it could be.  Don’t be shy. Sending us a communique is not a commitment, it’s just to open a dialog. This magazine is yours, too.

Worried about writing skills? Stop worrying. If you have a story to tell – and remember everyone has a story – contact us and talk with an editor. I am always happy to chat. So are the other three editors.

Since we launched Dynamic Aging 4 Life Magazine more than a year ago I have been continually astonished at the things people have accomplished as we age, what we are doing and will be doing in the future. The ripple effect has been impressive as we create our Dynamic Aging community.

After I wrote my essay a few months ago that I was going to read all 50 books by author Jack London, I heard from others who thought they might take on a similar read-it-all project.

Your story might launch someone on a path they hadn’t considered.

That’s the great thing about sharing our stories. Please join us!

Happy New Year!

By Michael J. Fitzgerald

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