Chatting with a favorite nephew a few weeks ago, I lamented that I didn’t have more money to donate to Doctors Without Borders. It’s Médecins Sans Frontières in its French moniker. I’ve been making semi-regular donations to this amazing organization for several years....
A Birthday for Dynamic Aging 4 Life Magazine
This edition of the Magazine marks two years of publishing compelling stories about people doing extraordinary things, overcoming daunting challenges or just sharing what a fully lived life looks like as we all choose to dynamically age. When Joan, Willis, Sylvia and...
More Books, Less Television
As winter slowly turned to spring this year, my wife and I rearranged the furniture in our upper-story living area so chairs and couches face the river, turning our backs to the 70-inch television we watched through long, rainy Oregon nights. We were immediately...
Everyone Has a Story
This year I’m celebrating 50 years as journalist and writer. That’s not to brag. It’s to underscore what those years have taught me –– that everyone has a story. That includes you. My experience is people who may believe their story or life isn’t...