Forgiveness and Gratitude
by Carrie Moses
October 01, 2024
Carrie Moses

After losing my beloved husband of 65 years in 2016, I remained in our beautiful home overlooking Rose City Golf Course in Northeast Portland. Our six children, their spouses and children – and even their children – had loved this home for 31 years, too. Why leave, when I was living amidst all my family treasures? This is a story about “forgiving our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,” plus gratitude that my life had been spared. I believe super strength lies in all of us, both physically and spiritually.

Carrie and Dale Moses at grandchild's wedding

Carrie & Dale Moses at grandchild’s wedding

My sunny August 12, 2021 day had begun beautifully with my heart full of joy. My New York Family were here from Long Island for my Granddaughter’s August 14 wedding, and some of them were staying with me. Everyone had driven away around noon on different errands, leaving me alone and quietly working on my computer in the den.

Suddenly, out of the blue, I felt a strong arm around my neck, and my first thought was that a grandson was playfully trying to surprise me. Not! Someone in earnest was trying to kill me! Being a strong healthy 88-year old, I swiveled around in my chair and stood up. Now he was viciously beating me with my fireplace poker! As the intruder was striking me on my left side, I looked right into this stranger’s dead-looking eyes and cried out, “Why are you doing this to a nice little old lady like me? I will pray for you!”

Magic words. Surely God and my Guardian Angels were with me – guiding my words and helping me remain calm in those brutal moments. (One big blow to my head with that poker could have killed me!) At my words, he threw down my now-broken poker and demanded, “Give me your credit card.” I lied and said I didn’t have one, but I had cash in the kitchen I would give him. He followed me down the hallway to a cupboard where I retrieved the envelope containing money I kept on hand for grandchildren who did helpful favors for me. I started to give him some $20s and he said, “I’ll take the whole thing,” as he grabbed the envelope. It was somewhere between $200 to $300. Small price to pay for my life . . .

Wanting him to leave so I could tend to my bleeding, I asked, “Would you like to leave by this back door?” “No,” he replied, “I’ll leave by the same window I came in downstairs,” and he fled. I followed him down the stairs to the daylight basement so I could get a towel to staunch the bleeding in my arm and save my carpet.

I was surprised to find him already outside the guest room bedroom window. But then he paused to put the screen back in place. Astounded, I thought, “This guy has some manners and has been properly raised.”

Going back upstairs with an old towel on my bleeding arm and a wildly-beating heart, I called 911. Within minutes there were three to four police cars and an ambulance at my door. To this day I am grateful for our Portland Police’s quick and kind response. They told me to sit down while they questioned me. They carefully inspected the window and surrounding areas for foot and fingerprints. A policeman kindly retrieved my hearing aids that had been knocked off while I was being strangled in the den.

Carrie's 90th birthday celebration with her family

Carrie’s 90th birthday celebration with her family

Seeing all the police cars and activity at my home, my dear neighbor Tosh phoned my daughter Bev, who arrived in minutes with grandson Stephen and also my daughter Karen. By then, my driveway was filled with concerned neighbors who were worried about what had happened. Since my home was now a crime scene, only my three family members were allowed inside.

I had refused ambulance assistance, so Karen and Bev took me to be checked out at Kaiser Emergency Care. Grandson Stephen stayed at my home with the police and also with my bewildered companion dog Duke. I passed the medical tests and was properly bandaged and sent home. The police and detectives said I was not to be left alone until the savage intruder was in custody and I would be safe again. Either Bev or Karen stayed with me 24/7 at my home or at Karen and Marv’s home until the perpetrator had been found and was in custody. (Bev diligently kept a baseball bat always near her when sleeping in the guest room!)

Remember the book, “Have you Ever Seen a Purple Cow?” No? I have seen and have had a purple boob for a month after the attack. Ha-ha and Ouch. In fact, my whole left side was bruised, purple, and painful for long weeks. My attacker had inflicted severe, painful lacerations and bruises on my neck, face, arm and entire left side, breast included, but I was GRATEFUL to be alive.

I put aside a summery dress I planned to wear to the wedding and found an appropriate, long-sleeved dress to wear to my Granddaughter Heidi and Nick’s beautiful outdoor wedding and reception. Someone had commented that “Carrie would probably miss the wedding,” but not this feisty grandmother! I enjoyed every minute and avoided any attention about my attack. This was Heidi and Nick’s very special day, and I would not put a damper on it. Makeup helped hide my facial and neck bruises.

Carrie with daughter Karen and rescue Chihuahua ClaraLu

Carrie with daughter Karen and rescue Chihuahua ClaraLu

Fortunately, a neighbor’s outdoor surveillance camera had caught the perpetrator on tape, evidently while he was walking up and out of the golf course. Due to good work on the part of our police and detectives, he was soon apprehended and in custody. He was also wanted for two other crimes, including armed robbery in Clatsop County and near Troutdale. His family had reported him missing the week prior, and he may have been hiding out/living in the golf course below my home. Creepy?

I was assigned a very kind court advocate and invited to court to have my turn to speak to the defendant, the Judge, and the Assistant D.A. I told my young college-aged attacker that despite what he had done to me, I would keep my promise to pray for him each day, that I loved him and encouraged him to straighten up his life, continue his education, and make something of himself. I reminded him of his vicious attack on me and how he had caused so much pain, disruption, and sleepless nights for me and all my concerned family. The Judge and District Attorney told me my words to him were like a breath of fresh air and unusual to hear. My daughter Karen said there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. He apologized to me in a written note, and I have publicly forgiven him. Since he could still be dangerous to others, he should remain under constant surveillance. This is currently his life now.

My promise to pray for my attacker still stands. As promised, I DO pray daily for him and his family and have completely forgiven him.

My daughter Karen is one of my life’s angels and she kept urging me to write about what she calls, “The Day the Bad Thing Happened,” but what I call “Forgiveness and Gratitude.”

I have lived a blessed life and love every day. I just celebrated my 91st birthday but like to say I am 45-1/2 twice, since I don’t even feel 45 yet! Life is a beautiful adventure and I’m enjoying each day, and choose not to pay attention to ages and numbers.

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Carrie Wanner Moses was born at home on August 2, 1933, in Belfield, North Dakota, in the midst of the Great Depression. Her family moved from the Dust Bowl to green Portland, Oregon, in 1935, where she grew up with five sisters as best friends. She and her husband Dale were blessed with six children: Dale Brian, Karen, Stephen, David, Sharon and Beverly, now delighting in their children and their children, even taking family cruises to Alaska and Mexico. Their love and laughter can be felt and heard often at their family cabin co-owned with her sister Phillis in Rockaway Beach since 1969. Sadly, their son Stephen passed away in 2002 and Carrie was widowed in 2016. But she is determined to go on living a full, active life now with her rescue Chihuahua ClaraLu at Cherrywood Village in Southeast Portland.


  1. nancy king

    I’m astounded at your presence of mind in the midst of such a horrible attack. Your words to him probably saved your life and changed his.

    • carolyn moses

      Dear Annette,

      Thank you for your kind words. I think my Guardian Angel was prompting me and helping me stay strong.

    • carolyn moses

      Thank you for reading my story and your kind response. Life is GOOD and each day is a TREASURE.

  2. Annette Friskopp

    Thank you for sharing your story of strength and forgiveness.

    • Ruth Jackson

      So glad you are safe and have a forgiving heart. Beautifully written story.

      • carrie

        Thank you, Ruth. I was truly fortunate to have said the right words to this poor young man. As promised, I pray daily for him and his family.

  3. Joan

    I am amazed that you forgave and even encouraged this desperate man. Quick thinking and a kind heart led you to safety. And I pray, also, that your attacker can turn his own life to a better purpose. What a story.

    • carolyn moses

      Dear Joan,

      So well said. There are too many lives spiraling downward these days. God will continue to help us.


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